I personally can't believe what happened on the most recent episode of The Vampire Diaries (TVD)
So let's start from the beginning. It didn't surprise me that they were going to have a bachelor party and a bachelorette party for Alaric and Jo. The drinking and the eating all seemed as normal as the TVD universe can get but then it all had to take a turn for the worse.
So we had our beautiful Delena moments and it was AMAZING!!!!! They are the best couple EVAAA!!!! When Elena's memories started to come back we all relived the AWWW moments that we experienced in all the episodes. Is it weird that I completely forgot that Elena lost her memories of Damon? But let's focus on the most important part of the episode ELENA IS HUMAN!!!! We've been waiting for this since Rebekah killed her and then she chose Damon!!! Wow this is a game changer and it's certainly giving fans ideas about how they are going to write Elena off the show since Nina Dobrev is leaving.
Then we move onto Mama Salvatore!!!! OMG WTF DID SHE DO!! So she's all ripper again and then she tries to kill Elena and then she tries to kill Bonnie and then tries to kill Jo until Jo says "I'm pregnant". I'm not sure how that was supposed to stop Mama Salvatore but it did. So now that she's locked up in the Salvatore basement what are they going to do with her because I think Enzo/Lorenzo wants to get her out.
But Mama Salvatore said that Jo was having twins!!! #WHAT! This is going to cause so much drama with the stupid Gemini covenant. But thank GOD for Ric who said he was going to move somewhere with her away from everyone which I personally think is the best option and with Jeremy running around killing all these vamps I am sure they will be safe.
Finally we have Kai. Stuck in a prison world playing housekeeper for a bunch of hungry witch vamps who really want to get out. But what does he mean by getting out? I mean the ascendant is destroyed right? Or is it?
I'll leave you with your thoughts on the subject
For now see ya later,
It's one of my favourite shows