Sunday, 5 April 2015

Book Haul: Part 1

Hey there bloggers!

Recently, there had been a book sale. Everyone knows when I'm let loose in book sales, all hell breaks loose. I would spend hours there buying so many books that are on 20-50 percent of discount and my mom would dump all the books out from the trolley and ask me to recheck to see if I have any books that I didn't want. Obviously, I want all of them.
For some reason, I've lost interest in reading. I used to read almost every single day last time, but now I barely read one in a week. I'm worried about this. I used to love books, and I still do, trust me, but I'm starting to lose the love. I bought 8 books from the book sale, in hopes that I'll be hooked and gain back my mega love for my dear books.

Firstly I bought a book called 'Love, Tanya' by Tanya Burr, a youtuber and a blogger. Books that are written by my favourite youtubers are always a must-buy for me. I'm going to be broke at this point. This book is only in hardcover, like Zoe Sugg's 'Girl Online' book, and its from England, so its super expensive. 

So this book's cover reminds be of If I Stay, collages of pictures like an Instagram feed, and also the a-few-pictures-to-form-a-face collages. When I was going to buy this book, only then I found out that it wasn't a storybook, but a tips/advice type kinda book I guess. It has really pretty pictures inside of Tanya and Jim, and they are seriously so cute. In the book she gives tips of beauty, advice on love and life, recipe ideas, her story of how she overcame her anxiety and stuff like that. Its truly a masterpiece, I'm so proud of how far she's gone. 

The second book is called 'If I Stay' by Gayle Forman. I haven't started this book yet, but I know that it has already became a movie, but I haven't seen the movie yet either so, sorry 'bout that :/ The reason I bought this book was just because I've heard a lot of positive commands from people that have read this book on Instagram and Facebook. From what I heard the book is described as 'filled with happiness and sorrow, laughter and tears, birth and death, love and loss' so it sounds like a beautiful book worth reading.

The third book I bought is called 'Where She Went', which is a sequel to 'If I Stay'. I actually didn't buy these two book separately, as it came in a collection which is probably a little bit cheaper I guess.

The girl on the front cover, which I believe is the main character, Mia, she is totally GOALS. Her makeup is on point and her hair makes her look like a goddess, I'm so jealous of her. Hurhur why are storybook characters so perfect. Maybe thats why they're called storybook characters ._.

The fourth book is called 'The Summer I turned Pretty', by Jenny Han. I absolutely LOVE Jenny Han. I only found out about her when I read the 'Burn For Burn' trilogy, which were amazing. Funny story, because I didn't know that there was a trilogy to this book too, I accidentally bought the two last books on the previous book sale. When I finished reading the last book, only then I realise that was a trilogy. It was SO ANNOYING omg I literally started the second book blindly with millions of questions in my head. So now, I gotta start from this book, and re-read the last two again haha.

And here is my second favourite author, Alyson Noel. My favourite books by her are called 'Faking 19' and 'Saving Zoe'. Now this book is called Radiance, which I haven't started yet, as I've been busy reading 'The Mortal Instruments' and 'Love, Tanya' at the same time, if that's even possible for me. I got this book off a really cheap price for some reason. It is a thin book and the pages are kinda weird looking, which I heard somewhere before that may be because it's old. 

Okay, so that's it for today's blog. I really want to continue with the other 4 books I bought but this blog is getting really long already. I might do a part 2 if I have the time. Hope ya'll have a nice day!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out my previous posts too for more fangirling ;)

Lots of love,
Kels x

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